Submitting a project

Here you can read all about the procedure and terms and conditions to submit a project proposal with Blue Cluster.
Process flow for submitting projects


A project goes through several stages, from idea to complete project application. In each stage, a number of criteria are used to assess to what extent the project is compatible with the cluster strategy and sufficiently mature for further development. The procedure makes it possible to guide the projects towards the best funding channel and improve the quality so as to increase the chance of success in receiving a subsidy. Projects making use of other funding channels and contributing to the roadmaps can also rely on assistance from Blue Cluster.


Innovation projects should comply with certain conditions to be eligible for submission to Blue Cluster. Such conditions can pertain to the deadline for submission, the subject of the project (linked to the roadmaps) or the project type. The partners are equally subject to certain conditions if they wish to participate in a cluster project.

Innovation roadmaps

Blue Cluster has developed a roadmap for each of its focus areas that outlines the priorities for the next two years of operation. The roadmaps are used to assess submitted projects for their relevance to the cluster.

Submitting a cSBO 2-pager or presenting an idea

Project ideas can be presented to Blue Cluster at any given time. The purpose of this step is to determine whether a project qualifies as a a cluster project at an early stage. We will then help you further on your way. 

It is currently not possible to submit cSBO projects.

Request for partners

Looking for partners (companies or knowledge institutions) for your project? We will gladly assist you in this search. 

Submitting your project

You can only submit a project with Blue Cluster via the online form. To do so, you first need to register on our website. This allows you to store your file and continue working on it at a later point in time. When preparing your application, you can make use of the working document. We advise you to contact the innovation managers when drawing up and submitting the 10-pager! 

Our eighteenth call opened on 30 August 2024. The submission deadline for tenpagers is Thursday 3 October 2024 at 12 noon.

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